时代家智主办私人聚会和圆桌会议,以此开发和建立新的合作伙伴关系。 代表性的活动包括“亿万圆桌系列”、“新一代的慈善向善”活动。
Advertising Rates and Contact: To include website and exposure in Linkedin.
- Circulation: 40,000 copies.
- Rates for various ad placements such as full-page ads, advertorials, and list sponsorships are provided in U.S. Dollars.
- Contact: Eugene Wong at ewong@familyfortunetimes.com.sg for advertising inquiries.
Print Production Specifications:
- Full Page: 203mm x 267mm (trim), 209mm x 273mm (bleed).
- Double Page Spread: 406mm x 267mm (trim), 413mm x 273mm (bleed), with all text and logos within 394mm x 254mm.
- Image Resolution: 200–300 dpi, with CMYK or grayscale images.
- Color: 4/C Process, with black text as single color (K).
- Preferred Digital File Format: PDF/X-1a:2001, with all fonts embedded.
Printing Method and File Preparation:
- Web offset printing, adhering to SWOP2006_Coated3 standards.
- Documents should be built in portrait mode with standard trim, bleed, and center marks.
- Transparency effects should be flattened before printing or creating PDFs.
For more information, visit familyfortunetimescustom.com.